3/1/2022 0 Comments Found Poem from Comments I’ve Deleted from this Website Left on the Writing of Trans StudentsGrey Weinstein (he/they) TW: Contains transphobic language. I have nothing against trans people but
you ARE your body get fucked you should be chemically castrated you fucking rapist. Dating transgenders? trans people come with a lot of baggage, unique challenges, burdens, you’re unfair and hypocritical, dishonest, just plain predatory. Call me a transphobe all you like-- what right do you have to demand that I see a trans woman as a woman? transmen are females who identify as men. how is society allowing this charade to go on without protest? Cisgenders are being targeted you deserve to be harassed, jailed, forced into traumatic sexual encounters. why do transgenders expect the majority of people on the planet to bend to their demands? If that makes me “transphobic” then I’m totally fine with that.
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